Brand Review: Torrid

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January 24, 2016 by megannski

Torrid is a fashion brand geared towards women that wear sizes 12-26. Their purpose is to provide trendy options to those over a size 12. They sell shoes, accessories, graphic tees, dresses, lingerie, jeans, and the list continues. A lot of their marketing and store designs are about making the consumer feel sexy and confident. Something that isn’t always marketed to what we will call, the plus size community.

As an avid Torrid shopper, I can tell you I get their e-mails ever single day. torridSometimes even twice a day. I can speak from experience that this can be an incredibly effective marketing technique. As well as emailing Torrid sends out monthly look books. These books highlight the newest trends, put together outfit selections as well as highlights that the looks can be shopped both online and in stores. The also mail out coupons and smaller ad circulars.

Torrid also reaches out to its shoppers via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. They did their best to cover as many social media channels as possible to reach out to as many consumers as possible.

Their Instagram posts interesting photos and videos to try and bring consumers into their stores or to click on the link to their website. They also provide fashion tips and stories of women feeling empowered in Torrid’s clothing.

torrid instagram

The photo of the lady in the mini and mickey mouse dress in the bottom left is an advertisement for a new line of Disney wear that Torrid is bringing in. They usually carry Disney clothing, but this is of the newest update to the line, Torrid Disney Collection. The photo next to it, of the girl with the receipt, as well as the photo of the blue Haute cash is to highlight the money that can be saved.

When it comes to Torrid’s use of Facebook, not only do they have a company account so that the company can promote new fashion trends and on going sales, but the individual stores also have accounts. In fact, I was recently featured on the Coconut Point Torrid account for my haute cash savings. torrid facebook

Yep, that’s me and yes, that receipt is as tall as I am. Haute cash is another way that Torrid gets consumers back into their store. They’re like coupons, but you have to spend money to earn them. In the photo above I had earned 11 of them. When haute cash is spendable Torrid changes all of their advertising to promote coming back in to spend the Haute Cash. It saves $25 off of every $50. As Haute Cash is still spendable for two more days, the homepage of their website is also advertising it.

torrid home

Torrid updates all of their social media accounts daily. If not more than once a day, in an effort to keep connected to their consumers and grow their brand.

Also as part of an advertising effort, Torrid recently launched a face of Torrid campaign. This was to find a new model for the store as well as to drive people into the stores and the fashion model search. This search had commercials, flyers, and in store promotional items promoting it. The newest face of Torrid can be seen on their Facebook page; Torrid Official Facebook.

Overall, I’d say Torrid does a good job of reaching out to their consumers both online and offline with their multiple mailers, emails, social media accounts, and coupons. They’re definitely driving business.

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